Classic Stir-fried Tomato and Scrambled Egg

  • 2 minutes of prep time
  • 3 minutes of cooking tim
Stir-fried tomato and scramble egg. Scrambled eggs are soaking in the tomato sauce, garnish with green onion.
Stir-fried tomato and scrambled eggs

Tomato and scrambled egg stir-fried is one of our all-time favorite dishes. Not only it is super easy to cook, but also very delicious. It goes very well with rice. Just need 5 minutes and you can quickly prepare thi nice meal.

Full tomato and egg stri-fried recipe

Main Ingredients (for 4 servings)
Other ingredients
1.5 tbspSalt
1garlic clove (Optional)
1spring onion (Optional)

Time needed: 5 minutes.

Stir-fried Tomato & Scrambled Eggs

  1. Cut tomatoes

    Cut tomatoes into wedges, then slice them crosswise into smaller dices

  2. Crack eggs

    Crack eggs into a bowl, add 0.5 tbsp of salt, then beat them until the mixture becomes fluffy

  3. Heat a pan

    Prepare a pan, heat it on the stove, then add oil

  4. Scramble eggs

    When the pan becomes hot, pour in the egg mixture. Cook until no egg liquid remains

  5. Heat a Pan

    Clean the pan or use a second pan, heat it up and add oil

  6. Cook tomatoes

    Add tomato dice into the pan. If you have garlic in your kitchen, we recommend adding 1 garlic clove for enhancing flavor. Cover up and let it cook for 1 minute.

  7. Season tomato sauce

    When tomato juice coming out, add 1 cup of water and 1 tbsp of salt

  8. Keep cooking tomato sauce*

    Cover up the pan, slightly reduce the heat and keep cooking for a while

  9. Mix egg and tomato sauce

    Add scrambled eggs into the pan, and mix well with tomato sauce. Garnish with some spring onion (optional)

* The cooking time of tomato sauce: here it really depends on your preference: cook for a short time if you like large tomato chunks in the sauce; cook longer if you like your tomato sauce liquidity

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